#KnowYourMIV: Mariale and her Partnership With Urban Decay x Game of Thrones

Launchmetrics Content Team

Mariale generated $4.7M for Urban Decay's Game of Thrones collection.

In this installment of #KnowYourMIV, we tracked the data behind Venezuelan influencer, Mariale Marrero and her coverage of the Urban Decay x Game of Thrones Collection. Based in LA, All-Star Influencer, Mariale has 18M subscribers across her Spanish and English YouTube channels, and 6.1M followers on Instagram. She creates content that spans a range of different industries, but her channel was originally created to vlog about beauty.

Influencer marketing has recently been largely focused on authenticity when it comes to partnerships, as brands look to collaborate with creators that communicate the same values and represent their target audience including their music and television taste. Mariale's work with Urban Decay on their Game of Thrones collection is the perfect example of an authentic and well-matched partnership. The fact that Mariale is both a genuine beauty-lover as well as a dedicated Game of Thrones fan contributed to the success that the collaboration saw, in terms of the Media Impact Value™ she generated for the brand. To understand more about how our proprietary data algorithm Media Impact Value™ (MIV®) works, read this article.

Mariale's top Posts by MIV® for Urban Decay x Game of Thrones

Overall, Mariale generated an impressive $4.7M in MIV® - the highest value from our #KnowYourMIV series so far - just for her coverage of the Urban Decay x Game of Thrones collection. Her top channel by a landslide was Instagram, which contributed $4.5M of the total MIV® - below, we analyze her top posts from this particular channel, for the Urban Decay x Game of Thrones collection:

Touchdown in Belfast

Mariale's top post drummed up $837K in MIV®. As part of the partnership, Mariale visited Belfast, where Game of Thrones is famously filmed. The creator made specific references to the show in her caption, demonstrating her affinity with the product, and showcased her look using Urban Decay's new palette in this carousel post.

MIV: $837,149

The Iron Throne

Mariale coincided this post with Game of Thrones' season debut and the launch of Urban Decay's collection. Jumping on a specific event like this helps to generate buzz, as the subject is already widely being talked about by GOT fans and makeup aficionados alike. With Mariale's following and use of hashtags, it's likely her post would have trended or ranked, therefore generating even more media impact, as the post is shown to a wider audience. The creator also mentioned that she had been watching the show for years, communicating her genuine excitement about the opportunity to work with Urban Decay.  This connection is something both consumers and brands look for now when it comes to influencer partnerships, as awareness around trust and transparency has increased in recent years.


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You guys Im SO EXCITED!! 😭 #GOT finally comes back tonight and the new @urbandecaycosmetics collection is exclusively on sale today on UrbanDecayCosmetics.com 🎉🎉🎉 I also got to sit on the throne AND currently on our way to Belfast for a super cool GOT experience!! 😭😩 I’m so grateful you guys know I’ve been watching this show for years and I’m so excited about everything, pinch me!! 😩🎉 #UrbanDecayPartner #ad ______________ Amorcitos que emoción!! 🎉 Hoy se estrena una de mis series favoritas #GameOfThrones y aparte la nueva coleccion increible de #UrbanDecay junto al show esta a la venta ya! Aparte vamos camino a IRLANDA para una campaña increible y vivir el show en la vida real 😭😩 Tantas cosas maravillosas, estoy infinitamente agradecida con ustedes por permitirme vivirlas!! 💕 #MarialeNoPara

A post shared by Mariale Marrero (Mar) (@mariale) on

MIV: $774,068

The makeup selfie

The third-top-performing post from Mariale for the Urban Decay x Game of Thrones was this makeup selfie with Urban Decay's founding partner - Wende Zomnir. Mariale provided a sneak peek of the new collection in action with the look she posted - her caption directed her followers to head to her Instagram stories, to see even more content surrounding the collection. This is a clever move when it comes to driving audiences to extended content, beyond just the post.


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Amorcitos, I’m THRILLED to announce that I’m partnering with @UrbanDecay and I was one of the first to get my hands on the new @GameOfThrones collection! 🤤 Let me tell you: This 👏🏻 Collection 👏🏻Is 👏🏻 Incredible👏🏻 and you will need it! Felicidades to the beautiful @udwende on an amazing job- every piece is a masterpiece! Go watch my stories to see more 😍💕🎉 ____________ Estoy muy feliz de contarles mis amorcitos que fui elegida por #UrbanDecay para ser de las primeras en conocer la nueva coleccion en colaboración con una de mis series favoritas #GameOfThrones 😭💕🎉 Está increíble la colección y aparte pude grabar con la fundadora de la marca @udwende 🥰😩💕 Gracias por apoyarme y hacer que estas cosas sean posibles! 🤩🥰😭 #MarialeNoPara

A post shared by Mariale Marrero (Mar) (@mariale) on

MIV: $621,539

The top Keywords from Urban Decay x Game of Thrones

In this #KnowYourMIV we also tracked the top keywords used to collate MIV® around Mariale's collaboration with Urban Decay. The top-performing hashtag was #urbandecay ($3.9M MIV®) with #marialenopara ($3.7M MIV®) following closely behind. Mariale's fans frequently post content into the hashtag #marialenopara, which acts almost as a branded hashtag for the creator. As hashtags can increase reach by 15-40%, this is an effective strategy when it comes to increasing MIV®. Below are the top keywords for Mariale's collaboration with Urban Decay x Game of Thrones.

maria marrero instagram

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about Mariale and the MIV she generated from her collaboration with Urban Decay x Game of Thrones in this #KnowYourMIV series. To understand more about how to pick the right influencers that match your brand, and form genuine partnerships, explore Influencers by Launchmetrics. 

mariale urban decay