Unlocking Analytics in China: How to Measure Marketing Campaigns
The Most Relevant Channels to consider when benchmarking your brand in China
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China has become a major power player across the Fashion, Luxury, and Beauty industries. Sales in this market have already recovered to the levels of 2019 during the second quarter of 2020 and are estimated to be up 10% to 30% in 2021, in comparison to 2019. China is also predicted to represent 50% of luxury consumers by 2025 while the Chinese Beauty Market is set to outgrow the US, Western Europe, and Japan. This reflects a shift and a growing interest in China, while other major economies take longer to recover.
This evolution is starting to make many Western companies consider developing strategies in the Chinese market. But how can you do it with the right technology to measure the effectiveness of these campaigns? What are the channels that should be part of a marketing measurement plan? What metrics should we consider when measuring media, KOL campaigns, and ultimately, brand performance?
In late 2020, Launchmetrics acquired China’s leading Influencer Analytics company PARKLU. Its data integration now included in the Launchmetrics Brand Performance Cloud can help Fashion, Luxury, and Beauty companies monitor their performance in this market. Find out more in this Live Session!
In this webinar you will learn:
- What are the main channels you should monitor when developing marketing strategies in China?
- How Media Impact Value® criteria can be used as a monetary value to understand the ROI of your marketing tactics.
- The coverage and metrics you should consider when following the results of your media strategy in China.

Kim Leitzes is the Managing Director of Asia Pacific at Launchmetrics, as well as a pioneer in the Chinese Influencer Marketing (KOL) industry. In 2011, she founded PARKLU, the leading Chinese KOL analytics platform (based in Shanghai) that was acquired by Launchmetrics in 2020. Prior to founding PARKLU, Kim was an investment banker, strategy executive and consumer & retail analyst in New York. Kim holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.