pr monitoring software showing media monitoring feed and graphs

PR Monitoring Software

Simplify Your Media Monitoring With All Your Print, Online & Social Coverage in One Place

Start Effectively Monitoring Your Mentions and PR Results

Monitor your brand presence holistically and understand the true impact of your activities. Track global print, online & social coverage using feeds and keywords and share the coverage to stakeholders using easy to build customizable newsletters, coverage books or reports.

pr monitoring software mentions feed with all brand mentions in one place

Capture Every Relevant Mention From Print, Online and Social Sources, Including Instagram and TikTok

Easily define the coverage you want to see and filter out the noise from irrelevant Voices. Curate your own feeds and easily see your mentions across print, online and social sources by brand, product, channel, language or region. Zone in on the Voices that matter using filters and sort your articles by reach, engagement, publication date or MIV® to understand both the quantity and quality of every mention.

coverage book feature of the pr monitoring software

Effortlessly Showcase Your PR Success

Compile your key coverage from across your channels into branded, bespoke newsletters and customizable coverage books. Easily share recurrent updates on your successes using editable templates that allow you to curate your pr monitoring results into interactive and attractive formats. Create sections, add or remove the most relevant mentions for your brand and distribute your final result to your key stakeholders and mailing lists via pdf or ppt, or through a single URL.

pr reporting tools function of the pr monitoring software with graphs and create a report product screen

Deep Dive Into Your Performance With Comprehensive PR Reporting Tools

Gain deeper insights with our seamlessly customizable, exportable and easy-to-edit powerpoint reports for all print, online and social performance metrics. Track the performance of your key events and measure your campaigns’ performance by channel and country by leveraging Media Impact Value™. Get the most from your PR analytics with monthly comparisons of your mentions, reach and engagement metrics to identify trends globally, including within China.

product screen showing how to link media monitoring to sample send outs

Through a seamless integration with the Launchmetrics Samples module, start tracking press coverage and the impact of your product samples. Leverage Media Impact Value™ and conversion metrics for in-depth analysis. Measure the success of your relationships by identifying the top Voices generating value from your samples send-outs, and discover which products perform the best based on MIV®.

With Launchmetrics Software, Customers Unlock:

icon showing that media monitoring happens in 200+ countries

Media monitoring in 200+ countries, including China

icon showing that pr monitoring software monitoring 9k print titles

Tracking across more than 9K+ Print titles, 45K+ web sources and 911K+ accounts

icon showing that pr monitoring software tracks 4.9k brands

4.9K brands tracked on a daily basis

See What Our Clients Say About Our Media Monitoring Software

“Before using Discover I used to spend half a day creating a report where now it takes 20 seconds! In addition to saving time, we can also easily analyze coverage results and sort mentions by channels, language and regions. I love being able to get a detailed coverage report in one click, that can be easily shared with internal and external stakeholders.”

Maxime Hodonou, Press & Showroom Manager at Isabel Marant

“We lean on MIV® not only to measure PR and marketing success, but also to compare with sales figures to hold our regional teams and distributors accountable for their growth and revenue targets.”

Ellen Beckman, Global Brand Manager

“As a new brand, every clipping counts. With Launchmetrics’ Discover, Alter Made can track all of our PR coverages and measure our performance across channels – this helps us make wiser, data-driven decisions.”

PR team, Alter Made

Get Started With Launchmetrics' PR Monitoring Software

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