Learn How APM Monaco Creates a Winning Influencer Strategy & Measures Success


APM Monaco & Launchmetrics

Founded in 1982, APM Monaco is a contemporary fashion jewelry brand that associates itself with the chicness of Monaco and South of France lifestyle. The brand has been recognized for its creative and chic designs and has become a leader in the fashion silver jewelry market. APM Monaco has been a Launchmetrics client since 2021.

APM Monaco's Challenge

Prior to Launchmetrics, APM Monaco relied on manual search processes to identify, compare and connect with influencer talent. Scattered search, lack of consistent, reliable data made accessing and assessing influencers difficult and inefficient. With a large number of collaborations to track across multiple social channels in China, APM Monaco also faced organizational challenges. The team relied on manual work to monitor its 500+ influencer posts, stories, likes and comments resulting in lost productivity. The Influencer Marketing Team required a solution that would give them visibility on all of their influencers' activities across top social channels in one location. Monitoring its influencer campaign performance and quantifying ROI had been difficult with no clear performance parameters available. Without a dedicated team in each region the Global Strategic Collaborations Manager struggled to effectively monitor key competitors' activity across the globe and benchmark APM Monaco's brand performance. Lack of performance reports and visibility on success led to poor transparency between departments.

The Solution

After implementing Launchmetrics Brand Performance Cloud, APM Monaco was able to significantly improve its organizational and efficiency challenges by enabling the Influencer Marketing Team to easily search and identify top talent, and monitor its 500+ influencer collaborations on a single platform, reducing the amount of manual work and improving time management. With MIV®, the team is now able to calculate the ROI on their gifting campaigns and focus on collaborations that deliver the best results for the brand. Launchmetrics platform enables the team at APM Monaco to keep track of competitor activity and benchmark against key competitors in the industry. With Launchmetrics, the teams are able to easily pull beautiful reports with key performance metrics readily available, aiding in successes sharing and improving transparency between departments and leadership.

The Result

  • Improved influencer discovery with access to over 600K+ influencers and their respective performance metrics
  • Implemented influencer monitoring to help understand the ROI of influencer collaborations & gifting campaigns
  • Advanced strategy development with best practices learnt from competitive benchmarking across Voice & channel mix

With Launchmetrics solutions, our team can quantify the ROI on Influencer Marketing. MIV® helps us define our strategic roadmap and inform our budget. Launchmetrics is easy-to-use, time-saving and insightful.”

Head of Brand Activations - Branding & Marketing

Launchmetrics Solution Influencers, Insights

Brand APM Monaco

Industry Jewelery

Customer Since 2021

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