Master PR Analytics with data visaulisation

Launchmetrics Product Sneak Peek: Mastering PR Analytics with Dynamic Data Visualization

Natalia Cornejo

In today's digital landscape, AI capabilities have sparked a desire for efficiency. There is a clear demand for seamless task completion without extensive data browsing. But navigating the vast amount of information is challenging. especially when you consider that in 2023 the Fashion sector generated over $64 billion in Media Impact Value™ (MIV®). This figure underscores the extensive PR efforts and data analysis involved in the industry.

Forbes emphasized that, to thrive, brands and PR leaders must possess advanced analytical skills and a keen understanding of evolving social media dynamics. So how can PR professionals effectively manage data, track cross-channel PR initiatives and stay ahead of trends without spending hours navigating complex reporting and endless spreadsheets?

The new Discover Dashboard tool will allow you to access PR analytics with data visualization. The tailored charts provide actionable data across all of your social media, online and print coverage.

Let's discuss how the Discover Dashboard makes reporting easier and why it is a crucial ally for your marketing and PR strategies.

PR Reporting Survival Guide | Launchmetrics

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What Do We Mean by ‘PR Analytics with Data Visualization’?

To analyze PR initiatives effectively, utilizing data analytics to measure efforts is essential. This process entails collecting, measuring and analyzing data points related to PR activities through online, social and print mentions. The goal of PR analytics is to provide insights into the effectiveness and impact of campaigns, strategies and activities.

The addition of dynamic data visualization allows you to explore and interact with information seamlessly and in real time. Being able to manipulate data, drill down into details, change filters and observe changes immediately will facilitate the comprehension and analysis of complex datasets.

Why is Leveraging PR Analytics with Data Visualization Important to Streamline PR and Marketing Efforts?

  1. Decision Making: PR analytics combined with data visualization empowers decision-making processes. With clear visual representations of key metrics and performance indicators, you can make informed decisions about strategy adjustments, resource allocation and campaign optimization.
  2. Communication: Visualizations simplify the communication of complex data and insights across teams and stakeholders. Rather than presenting lengthy reports or spreadsheets, you can use visuals to convey information effectively. This facilitates better understanding and alignment among team members, clients and executives. 
  3. Access to the Voice Methodology: Launchmetrics’ Voice-Centric approach highlights the Voices creating value today to provide a holistic view of PR and marketing performance. From Media, Celebrities, Influencers, Partners and Owned Media, this methodology gives you a unique framework to understand the MIV® each of these Voices bring to your brand. Through Dashboards, you can see how much share each Voice represents and the names behind them.
  4. Performance Tracking: Data visualization enables PR teams to track the performance of their campaigns and initiatives more efficiently. By monitoring media mentions, website traffic, social engagement and sentiment in real time, they can assess effectiveness and make timely adjustments as needed. 
  5. ROI Measurement: Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of PR and marketing activities is crucial. Visualizing metrics related to brand awareness, lead generation and customer acquisition demonstrates the impact of your work through tangible business outcomes. 
  6. Forecasting and Predictive Analytics: By analyzing historical data and trends in one place, you can make more accurately predict and forecast future outcomes.. This helps in proactive decision-making and resource planning, allowing PR teams to anticipate challenges and capitalize on opportunities.

How to Create your Data Visualisation Dashboard with Launchmetrics Discover

Getting started with Discover Dashboards only requires a few steps...

  1. Getting started: First head over to the Discover Feeds. Click on the “Analyze and Share” tab and select “Dashboards”.
  2. Filter data: Before visualizing the data, you can review all the filters and correct or refine them as needed. You can adjust the date range, Voices, channels, location, events or even types of Placements. You can also see the performance of your pre-defined automated topics and tags.
  3. Browse through actionable data: Analyze the Media Impact Value™ and its evolution over time. You can review best-performing locations or Voice and Channel mix to see who is bringing the most ROI. You even have access to the top placements driving your brand’s performance. 
  4. Download and share: If you want to export all the data, all you have to do is click the “Download all” button at the top of the Dashboard . From here, choose your preferred format (Excel or PowerPoint). You can download data from specific charts (like the Voice Mix) by clicking on the three dots at the top of each chart. And, as easy as that, you are ready to share your brand’s success

For a visual walkthrough of the entire process, we have recorded a quick tutorial that demonstrates how easy it is to use Discover Dashboards:

Launchmetrics Solutions: How to Monitor Your PR Coverage and Measure the Impact of Your Campaigns

Read the article

Campaign Performance Templates: 3 Types of Data Visualization to Help You Understand Your Performance with PR Analytics

If you are a CMO…

Analyze the overall performance and impact of your brand throughout the year to identify:

  • The PR and marketing initiatives bringing the highest ROI overtime
  • The months of highest success
  • The regions where your brand has resonated the most 

Use data analysis to inform decisions on future budget allocations. Consider factors such as location to invest on brand awareness where it is most needed and assure a high return on your investment throughout the year.

pr analytics dashboard considering miv evolution

If you are a PR and Communications Director…

Get insights on your brand's impact through specific topics. This could be an event such as the red carpet or Fashion Week. By tailoring your filters, you can:

  • Make sure you are utilizing a cross-channel strategy
  • Ensure you are getting a high ROI from key Voices
  • Identify if your brand image is consistent and the sentiment is positive

Through data visualization, communication is streamlined across teams. Everyone is aligned on future strategy. Moreover, you can optimize budget allocation into the right Channels and Voices to ensure your brand is reaching the optimal audience.

charts in the pr analytics dashboard

If you are a PR Coordinator…

Streamline your reporting process by easily identifying your brand events or activations and report to your superiors with just one click. Through dashboards you will be able to:

  • Dive into specific topics to get the MIV® it generated
  • Visualize which Media Voices covered your press releases
  • Stay up to date with the Influencer and Celebrity Voices driving the impact for your brand
  • Analyze the outcome of campaigns and visually report it to the management

Through Discover Dashboards reporting is no longer a daunting task. Make sure to implement it into your strategy and free up time that you can spend on real value-added tasks. 

If you're interested in learning more about the new Launchmetrics Discover feature, feel free to request a demo and chat with one of our expert consultants. Don't hesitate to reach out!

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